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Surpac User-Meeting 2004

Austria, Leoben
January 15th and 16th, 2004
organized by mine-it

1st day

The first day of the meeting had the general topic "Surpac - capabilities today and tomorrow"

In the morning Mrs. Liesl Kemp, general manager of Surpac-Minex UK, presented the products provided by Surpac. A particular focus was on the most recent developments of Version 5.0. Afterwards Mr. Andrew Grove presented the software "minesched", which supports the quality-control and short-term-planning of a mining operation.

In the afternoon some companies presented their work and experiences with Surpac. Particular thanks must be given to the presenters of OMYA, Department of Geology - MUL, VA-Erzberg and Hengl Bitustein, who all have done a perfect job and contributed enourmously to the success of the event. The encouraged discussions during the presentations has shown the particular interest on the different approaches and applications.

Surpac evening

In order to relax from the "exhausting" information event the participants were invited to join a informal "Surpac evening" - with dinner and discussions and - yeah, some drinks!

Even at the evening the option to discuss about Surpac was widly and willingly taken. However - there also were some other topics ...!

2nd day

The second day was subject of a training referring to distinct topics.
Both long-term users of Surpac and "newcomers" have participated at this training in order to learn basics, tricks and some stimulus for applying Surpac and so make this program even more efficient in daily work.

Under the guidance of Thomas Oberndorfer and with support of Liesl Kemp, Andrew Grove and mine-it the topics of the workshop - automatization, plotting and deposit-modelling - were worked stap by step.

The "concentrated bunch" of information required full concentration and cooperation of the participants. However - at the end every single participant had the feeling, that he now better understands and more profound can handle Surpac.

Details and program

Here you can fin more detailed information about the program of the seminar.

program ...

Visit also the picture gallery with impressions of the meeting!

picture gallery ....


List of participants ...